One Health Award

One Health One Earth is the watchword of our time marked by the pandemic and threats to the ecosystem. Putting this slogan at the center of the public scene, the international One Health Award (OHA) honors One Health One Earth as the revolution we need to face new challenges. For a long time it was thought that the safety of humanity was in protecting themselves from nature; then that it was in distancing oneself from nature. But right now we are reaching the awareness that our health-safety is with nature, indeed it consists in the safety of nature itself. Here are the reasons for the OHA award, the central moment of a three-day event dedicated to the One Health One Earth revolution.

The appointment with the One Health Award is for the days from 13 to 15 October 2023. At that moment in the city of Teramo all together scholars, opinion makers, representatives of institutions, protagonists of culture and entertainment will bring to the center of attention the urgent need for a change of mentality and perspective.


3 days
October 13 > 15, 2023



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